This is a rutile type medium-coated air hardening hard-facing electrode. Weld deposit has a good combination of abrasion and toughness properties. The weld bead is smooth and have uniform slag detachability and also High weld metal recovery.
. Maruthi 450 hard facing electrodes is moderate to high abrasion resistance, with approximately 450 BHN Hardness. Can be machinable with carbide tools.
Excavators, supportingrollers of kiln tyres, Wobbler ends, Girth gears in cement and power plants,croppers, bamboo chippers knives, coupling, Tractor wheels, Rollers, Steelcasting, Axles, Shear blades, Brake shoes, Crane wheels, Cams, Gears, Shafts,Plough shears, Conveyor parts.
3.15 x 450
4.00 x 450
5.00 x 450
Clean and degrease the parent metal, employ a short arc and deposit stringer beads. Recommended to dry the electrodes at 120˚C for 1 hour.